What You Should Do After a DWI Charge in Charlotte, North Carolina

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in North Carolina, your future and freedom may be at stake. You may feel overwhelmed and worried about what will happen next. Indeed, a DWI charge can majorly impact your life. Your driver's license may have already been suspended or completely revoked. You face significant court costs, fines, and fees.

Depending on whether you have prior convictions and the severity of the alleged DWI, you could lose your job, or your employment could be negatively affected. For all of these reasons, it is crucial that you do not take a DWI charge lately. Contacting an experienced attorney is not just a step; it is a lifeline that can help you protect your legal rights and defend yourself against DWI charges. The steps you take after a DWI arrest in charge can help or hurt your legal defense, and having a skilled attorney by your side can make all the difference.

Pay Attention to the Court Date

After being arrested for a DWI, you will be given a court date. It is crucial that you mark this date on your calendar and do everything you can to be at court 15 minutes early. Missing your court date can result in further legal problems, such as additional charges or a warrant for your arrest. It is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney as Soon as Possible

The importance of contacting a criminal defense attorney cannot be overstated enough. While you may be assigned a public defender, many public defenders are overburned with too many cases and need help to give each case the time and attention it needs and deserves.

When you work with Arnold & Smith, PLLC, you can rest assured that we will focus on your case and build a strong defense as soon as you begin working with us. We have an in-depth understanding of DWI sentencing laws in North Carolina and will use our knowledge to your benefit, which is important, especially if this is not your first DWI offense.

Arrange Transportation

If you have been arrested for DWI, your driver's license will be suspended automatically for 30 days under North Carolina law. This cannot be bypassed or appealed after you have been charged, even if you are innocent and have yet to be convicted. After you have been released from jail, you will need to make sure you have a ride home. You also need to make transportation arrangements when your driver's license has been suspended.

Try to Get Limited Driving Privileges

It is possible for those charged with a DWI to gain limited driving privileges (LDP), but not in every case. If you are successful, you can obtain a restricted license, also called a work license. The experienced DWI Attorneys at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, may be able to help you obtain an LDP so you can drive to work, school, community service, court order treatment, and emergency medical treatment. You will be restricted as to where and when you can drive, and it is important to follow these guidelines, or you could face additional criminal penalties.

Carefully Record Details of Your DWI Arrest

It is important to record as many details as you can remember of your arrest while the experience is fresh. You can save the information as a voice memo on your cell phone or write it down in a notebook or the notes app on your cell phone. Many people do not realize how easy it is to forget important information. Write down every detail you can remember, from when the police pulled you over to when you left the jail. Only share this information with your attorney.

Do Not Get Arrested Again

When you are arraigned, the judge will order that you remain out of custody on your own recognizance. You will be required to obey all laws, and if you fail to follow these orders, you may be put into jail before your trial, or the bail amount may increase. It is crucial that you understand the seriousness of the situation and the need to comply with all orders. Showing the prosecutor you have been a good citizen is not just a suggestion, it is a necessity.

Contact a Charlotte DWI Attorney Today

If you have been charged with a DWI in Charlotte, time is of the essence. You will benefit from working with an experienced DWI attorney with a proven history of successfully dismissing DWI charges. The attorneys at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, will advocate for you throughout the entire process. We will be with you to get through the complicated legal process and act as your ally.

We understand that every case is different, and no one-size-fits-all solution exists. That is why we will treat your case individually and with great care, paying careful attention to all the details. Do not hesitate to contact Arnold & Smith, PLLC, to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation case evaluation with a skilled attorney.