In today’s culture of instant messaging and social media, stalking can take on a new dimension. Under North Carolina law, stalking is a crime punished as a Class A1 misdemeanor. A defendant with prior stalking convictions is guilty of a Class F felony. Stalking often falls within the domain of domestic violence. Sexual assault, stalking, and other domestic violence crimes are often tied together. At Arnold & Smith, PLLC our lawyers have experience defending clients against stalking charges. Contact our Charlotte criminal defense law firm today to schedule your free initial consultation and learn how our legal team can fight for you.
North Carolina’s Anti-Stalking LawNorth Carolina recognizes the strong link between domestic violence and stalking. Thus, North Carolina law seeks to prevent stalking by criminalizing the act before it escalates into domestic violence. A defendant is guilty of stalking in North Carolina when he or she:
The defendant must commit one of these actions at least twice to receive a stalking conviction. Additionally, stalking can be done through any action, method, device, or means. The law defines “course of conduct” as directly, indirectly, or through third parties doing any of the following:
Harassment is “knowing conduct, including written or printed communication or transmission, telephone or cellular or other wireless telephonic communication, facsimile transmission, answering machine or voice mail messages, emails, or other computerized or electronic transmissions, directed at a specific person that terrorizes, torments, or terrifies the person and serves no legitimate purpose.” Harassment can take place through any of the following means of communication:
North Carolina’s anti-stalking law specifically addresses stalking by making harassing telephone calls. Defendants convicted of stalking by making harassing telephone calls are guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. Telephonic communications are not limited strictly to phone calls. It includes any communications received or made by a fax machine, answering machine, or a modem. The crime of making harassing phone calls includes all of the following scenarios:
A North Carolina resident does not need to do the actual harassment in order to face criminal charges. North Carolina’s law makes it clear that any person who knows that another person is using his or her telephone to harass someone and allows them to use his or her telephone can face charges.
Penalties for Stalking in North CarolinaThe penalties for stalking in North Carolina depend on whether the defendant is a first-time offender or has one or more previous stalking convictions. Violation of North Carolina’s stalking statute for a first-time offender is a Class A1 misdemeanor. If the defendant has already received a conviction for stalking, North Carolina courts convict him of a Class F felony. If the person convicted of stalking commits the stalking offense when a court order prohibiting stalking is in place, such as a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO), the defendant is guilty of a Class H felony. Defendants convicted of a Class H felony face 4 to 25 months in prison.
If you are facing stalking or other domestic violence charges in North Carolina, Arnold & Smith, PLLC can help. Contact our Charlotte criminal defense law firm today to schedule your free initial consultation.