Many parents are naturally worried about how their children will fare academically and emotionally following a divorce. Though such concerns are appropriate, it is important to focus on building your own future, while also keeping in mind the best interests of your children in the process. In fact, statistics show that with careful planning and consideration, parents and children can both have a positive outlook following a divorce.
Happy Parents, Happy ChildIn many cases, when the parents are happy, the child is happy as well. If both parents are happier as individuals following a divorce, instead of living a life of desperation and misery, the children will notice and be happier as a result. When children have two parents that enjoy life and are not constantly arguing and screaming, children tend to fare better emotionally. Less stress translates into healthier children both emotionally and physically. The relief of household tensions may cause children to fare better, boosting their overall mental health, which in turn will likely improve their overall physical health as well.
Positive Effects on EducationWhen children lead lives of constant turmoil and chaos in an unhappy household, they tend to do better academically after a divorce. One particular study determined that if children previously experienced any kind of family dysfunction or adversarial conditions within their home, that a divorce will actually help them achieve more academically and raise their grades in school. Understandably, when stress, anxiety, fear, and frustration are removed from a home setting, children feel safe and comfortable, which allows them to thrive in their school setting. However, if the divorce process drags on unendingly and the parties continue to argue and live in constant turmoil, these positive effects are unlikely to be seen.
Consider Children When Dating After DivorceIf you have children, then you may wonder how dating will affect them. It is important to consider all aspects of dating prior to jumping into any relationship following a divorce. You will want to make sure that the process of dating is healthy for both you and your children. When considering dating in the wake of a divorce, you should consider the following factors so that boundaries already established.
If you are considering a divorce, or are in the middle of a divorce, you may be wondering how to create and establish a strong foundation upon which to build the rest of your life, including being a positive role model for your children. If you need expert legal advice regarding your divorce, contact an experienced divorce attorney at Arnold & Smith, PLLC at 704.370.2828 or online today for a consultation.