
Defending Against Child Abuse Charges in North Carolina

Every year, there are over 3,000 reports of child abuse in the United States. Although many reports of child abuse did happen and are warranted, some are untrue and baseless. Even if you have been accused of child abuse and you are innocent, the allegation can ruin your future, your personal relationships, and even your ability to see your children. If you have been accused of child abuse, hiring a criminal defense attorney right away can help you fight for your future and freedom.

Felony Child Abuse Charges in North Carolina

According to North Carolina General Statute 14-318.4, felony child abuse happens when a parent or any other person providing care to a child or supervision intentionally inflicts any serious physical injury upon or to the child or intentionally commits an assault upon the child which results in any serious physical injury to the child who is less than 16 years old. This crime is classified as a Class D Felony. Other child abuse classifications include the following:

  • Class G Child Abuse: This classification involves willful or grossly negligent acts or omissions that show a reckless disregard for human life. Examples of such acts could include leaving a child unattended in a dangerous situation or failing to provide necessary medical care, resulting in serious physical injury to the child.
  • Class E Child Abuse: A willful or grossly negligent omission that shows a reckless disregard for human life resulting in serious bodily injury to a minor
  • Class D Child Abuse: Serious injury, prostitution, or other sexual acts against a minor
  • Class B2 Child Abuse: Serious bodily injury to a minor.
What to Do if You Have Been Accused of Child Abuse in North Carolina

If you have been accused of child abuse, neglect, or endangerment, it is understandable to become stressed or even panic, especially if the allegations are false. If you are convicted of child abuse, you can face serious consequences. However, if you are patient, determined, and smart, and you have the help of an experienced attorney, you may be able to successfully fight the charges and have them dismissed.

Take the Charges Seriously

If you know the charges against you are false, it can be easy to brush them off and not do anything about them. However, you must understand the severity of the charges and take them seriously, even if you are innocent. North Carolina judges view child abuse as one of the more egregious types of abuse one person can do against another. You will need to dedicate time, money, and energy to fighting the child abuse charges against you.

It is a common misconception that innocence alone can protect you from being convicted of child abuse. The truth is, you will still need an attorney to navigate the investigation. It is crucial not to speak to the police without your attorney present. Protect yourself and your innocence by not providing statements until you have consulted with your attorney. Remember, any statements you make can and will be used against you in court.

Strengthen Your Case at Trial

If you do not accept a plea bargain, you may be required to go to trial over the child abuse charges. Going to trial can be a daunting task for defendants and their family members. In order to win, you will need to work closely with your defense team. You can help your attorney and your case by keeping meticulous records of everything having to do with your case. This evidence can help prove or disprove points of contention as the case progresses.

You should also find witnesses who can testify on your behalf. An expert witness can be a persuasive way to show that you are a caring, patient, and loving parent and that abuse would be completely out of your character. If there are witnesses to any alleged events who can testify that abuse did not happen, you should contact them as soon as possible.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in North Carolina

At Arnold & Smith, PLLC, our criminal defense attorneys are well-versed in North Carolina laws and procedures related to child abuse allegations. We bring our extensive experience and resources to the table to fight for your legal rights. If you are facing charges of endangerment, child abuse, or child neglect, rest assured that we will stand by you, providing the legal support you need to fight for your freedom.

We have a proven track record of getting cases dismissed or reduced for our clients. Do not hesitate to contact Arnold & Smith, PLLC, to schedule a complimentary case evaluation and learn more about how we can fight for your rights.

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